Today, we are facing a crossroad in America’s future. We face a choice between a disastrous path of socialism at home and weakness on the world stage or free market capitalism, moral authority, and stead-fast security. In the upcoming elections, we will choose our path. This is why the primaries and November elections of 2010 are so critical.
During the last year, Obama and his administration have been implementing their master plan for the irreversible conversion of America into a socialistic nation. They have been chipping away at every corner of our American constitutional system and every aspect of our liberties. Obama stands for a comprehensive radicalization of our culture, including schools, marriage, and expanding the dependency/ welfare class. He also has used his power to polarize and alienate racial and ethnic groups. His most recent attempt, a knee-jerk racial reaction to the Arizona immigration law. On the economic front, Obama stands for government swallowing up the private sector, equalizing incomes and redistributing the wealth. He and his radical may use the courts to accomplish this, especially if Elena Kagan, a radical activist, is confirmed to the Supreme Court. All one has to do, is look at Greece to see where his socialistic policies will lead us. Internationally, Obama wants to put America’s interest second place. He wants to cede our national sovereignty to international leaders and transfer our wealth to “undeveloped nations.” On the national security stage, Obama has turned his back on our allies (Israel-Poland), but schmoozed with 3rd world thugs like Hugo Chavey, Daniel Ortega, Manual Zelaya and the Castro brothers. Then too, he has implemented cowardly, passive policies when dealing with radical Islamic terrorism and confronting a nuclear Iran. Finally, Obama wants to control all aspects of our lives, especially through socialized medicine, cap + trade, and punitive environmental regulations. Simply put, President Obama is a card-carrying socialist and he believes government is the solution, not the problem.
In the future, we must stand-up and fight for America. By definition, socialism cannot coexist with personal liberty and liberty is our defining value as a nation. In the next primaries and November election, we must defeat the Obama socialistic machine. We must find, support and elect politicians who believe in the basic principles our country was founded on. (Lower taxes-individual liberties-strong national defense-limited government.) This is a crucial, transforming election year.Diana Thorn, Carpinteria