There is only one race which is the human race, yet certain people of mestizo/hispanic/latino background insist that they are in “la raza.” They have created a special day with such a name, on our Columbus Day. They have various organizations, meeting places, etc. with “la raza” as a component of their names, and have as well created neo-racist organizations (i.e. MeCHA) with mottos that translate roughly that they are on top and all others are going to the bottom. This seems to arise from frustration and resentment that the Spanish had relations with their great, great grandmothers, and socio-economic disparities. If anything they are diverse and include many cultures and skin tones.
What is really going on is that the law enforcement officers in Arizona are recognizing them as who they claim to be, and then sending back the friends among them who are illegal aliens. Obviously, they want to take offense, and [they] encourage foreigners to be arrested. The reasoning behind why they are protesting in the first place just escapes me, other than seeking some paradoxical gratification of their persecution complex.—Merle Betz, Santa Barbara