Some 14 years ago Pat had just arrived in Ireland for the first time [In Memoriam, “Pat Milliken: Guitarist,” 4/22/10]. As he hitched down the road from the airport, people giving him lifts advised him to go to Doolin, County Clare. Because he carried a guitar. Doolin, the cradle of Irish music. Within a short time he landed in the village of Doolin on the Atlantic shore. A rose-covered thatched cottage, the Ivy Cottage Restaurant, caught his eye. Its cozy homely ambience fascinated him, and, stepping into it through the low red half-door underneath cascading roses, he heard his own music being played inside—from his own CD. What an emotional and mystical experience!
Not only for Pat, but for me. as well. I had bought his CD during a visit in Santa Barbara and played it in my restaurant because I loved it so much. I was speechless to see this lovely man walking into my place. In Ireland. When I found words again I invited him to live in the Ivy Cottage as our special guest as long as he pleased. We became friends forever and had wonderful “good times” together.
We miss his company, his gentle kindness, his incredible guitar playing, his honest smile.
Pat Milliken, a beautiful human being, such a gifted sensitive musician, a great friend! Dear Pat, we never forget you, your spirit is close to us forever, we dearly love you!—Ilsa Thielan, Ireland