There are only a few politicians who appear even willing to rise above partisanship and look to compromise so that governance is done for the good of the people. While Governor Schwarzenegger could have done more to rise above partisanship, he has at least made more of an effort than most politicians have. Maybe it’s because he is literally in bed with a Democrat.
I heartily commend his appointment of Abel Maldonado for lieutenant governor. Senator Maldonado did a great service to the state when, in exchange for his vote for the budget, he got a commitment to place the open primary initiative on the ballot of 2010.
Should that initiative pass, the open primary in conjunction with the redistricting by a neutral commission should go a long way toward making California’s government more functional and less polarized.
Congratulations to Governor Schwarzenegger for this appointment of Senator Maldonado and shame on Assemblyman Pedro Nava. Mr. Nava is someone who I have long supported, but he is dead wrong on criticizing Governor Schwarzenegger’s appointment of Mr. Maldonado. We need to follow President Obama’s lead and move on to post-partisan government.—David Bearman