The piece on Holy Cross Church [“Holy Cross Hits Half-Century Mark,” 1/12/10] did a real disservice to the event and the people there by trying to inject long-ago controversy and very specious connections to Mesa real estate—what’s going on at Deano’s has nothing to do with Holy Cross, for example. The writer [an intern] also got a bunch of facts and assumptions wrong: We don’t tithe, pastors are not paid by parishioners, there are not a “bevy of pastors” to choose from, we no longer have a school, etc. Plus, in the paragraph third from the end, the writer just tosses out a bunch of questions that have no place in such an article, especially when they are not based on facts nor even addressed from either side of the issues. She tried to do way too much with this and in the end created a mishmash. It was not anywhere near the usual excellent standard of Indy journalism. — Jim Buckley