CURL GIRL: With The Independent‘s 2008 Best Of issue now on newsstands, it’s certain staff members’ favorite day of the year : because it marks the longest possible time until the next Best Of. Don’t get us wrongBest Of is one of the year’s most popular issues, but it also means a lot of work. Among those now breathing easy is Managing Editor Michelle Drown, who edited the section. With Best Of behind her, this five-year Indy veteran said she plans to spend time with her Chihuahuas, who are full of love, cheer, and, unfortunately, disease: seven-year-old Simon, who suffers from a malfunctioning adrenal gland, and two-year-old Henry, a canine epileptic. “I always say it’s important to give our furry four-legged friends the help they need to get through lifethe ‘Best Of’ care,” Drown quipped. “That’s what I always say.”