In the wake of a 3-2 Carpinteria Union School Board vote to discontinue use of Native American imagery for the Carpinteria High School Warriors, a group called Warrior Spirit Never Dies initiated a recall effort aimed at boardmember Beverly Grant, who is up for reelection in 2010. These proponents of the popular sports program’s mascot also stated opposition to boardmembers Amrita Salm and Leslie Deardorff, whose terms expire this year.
Brooks Institute, which confers degrees in photography and film production, announced on 5/20 that it will close and sell its Montecito campus at the end of June, relocating programs there to its other three campuses in Santa Barbara County, with no elimination of staff. Brooks president Roger Anderson said the building was beautiful but expensive to maintain and “has never been very functional as a teaching facility.”
UCSB’s Lianglin Zhang is among a team of scientists that has developed “nanoworms”medicine-carrying constructions whose infinitesimal size allows them to fight internal cancer without arousing a response by the human body’s immune system. Tested on mice so far, the nanoworms may one day aid doctors in helping patients overcome even the smallest of tumors.