2008 Spring Books and Lectures Preview

Thu Mar 20, 2008 | 06:00am
Anne Lamott

Womankind: Connection & Wisdom Around the World

Nancy Leigh Harless’s book is an inspirational retrospective of exceptional women. Thu., Mar. 20, 7pm. Borders Books & Music, 900 State St. Call 899-3668.

The Beautiful Santa Ynez Valley

National Geographic photographer Chuck Place will discuss his book. Wed., Mar. 26, 7pm. Borders Books & Music, 900 State St. Call 899-3668.

Mickey Jones

A musician, actor, and writer, Mickey Jones will sign That Would Be Me: Rock & Roll Survivor to Hollywood Actor. Thu., Mar. 27, 7pm. Borders Books & Music, 900 State St. Call 899-3668.

Steve Wozniak: Computer Geek to Cult Icon

A cofounder of Apple Computers, Steve Wozniak will talk about what the future holds for new technology. Wed., Apr. 2, 8pm. Arlington Theatre. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Essential Workers Poetry Reading

S.B. Poet Laureate Perie Longo, former laureate Barry Spacks, and others will recite at an exhibition of photographs celebrating the county’s labor force. Thu., Apr. 3, 6:30-7:30pm. Channing Peake Gallery, 105 E. Anapamu St.

Santa Barbara Poetry Series: Poetry, Print & Jazz

Featuring Lois Klein, A.J. Ford, Jackson Wheeler, and Paul Portuges. Sat., Apr. 5, 7-9pm. Faulkner Gallery, S.B. Public Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. Call 966-1423.

Anne Lamott

The bestselling author of three books will discuss her journey into faith. Sun., Apr. 6, 4pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Surfing: Women of the Waves

Linda Chase’s book chronicles female surfers past and present. Sat., Apr. 12, 2pm. Borders Books & Music, 7000 Marketplace Dr., Goleta. Call 968-1370.

The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen

Syrie James’s novel postulates the discovery of Jane Austen’s diary by a modern writer. Sun., Apr. 13, 3pm. Chaucer’s Books, 3321 State St. Call 682-6787 or visit chaucers.booksense.com.

David Samuels

The author of Only Love Can Break Your Heart and The Runner, David Samuels is also a writer for the New Yorker and Harper’s. Mon., Apr. 14, 7pm. Borders Books & Music, 900 State St. Call 899-3668.

Steve Coll and Robin Wright

Steve Coll and Robin Wright will give back-to-back presentations on the Bin Laden family’s U.S. ties, and an analysis of the Middle East, respectively. Thu., Apr. 17, 7pm. UCSB’s Campbell Hall. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Salman Rushdie

In conversation with writer Pico Iyer, Salman Rushdie will discuss his new books and his perspective on writing. Sun., May 4, 4pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation

Professor and writer James Q. Wilson will lecture on America’s distinction from other nations. Mon., May 5, 8pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.


Joel Meyerowitz’s book of photographs and personal stories captures the pathos of the 9/11 attack’s continuing effects. Mon., May 12, 8pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Jeffrey Sachs and Greg Mortenson

Economist Jeffrey Sachs and Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, will discuss global economics and educational systems. Tue., May 13, 7pm. Arlington Theatre. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Willie Brown

San Francisco’s former mayor will share insights from Basic Brown: My Life and Our Times. Wed., May 14, 8pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Pico Iyer

Renowned author Pico Iyer’s latest book, The Open Road, chronicles the life and ideas of the Dalai Lama. Mon., May 19, 8pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

Poet Laureate Charles Simic

Charles Simic’s 18th book of poetry, That Little Something, was recently released. He is the 15th U.S. Poet Laureate, and has been awarded both a Pulitzer Prize and a MacArthur Genius Grant. Thu., May 22, 8pm. Campbell Hall, UCSB. Call 893-3535 or visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu.

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