•Secure the Call Foundation is a nonprofit helping to collect and redistribute used cell phones to community members who need a 911 phone in case of an emergency but can’t afford one. You can visit donatemycellphone.org or call (888) 883-6628 to get more info, ask for prepaid mailing labels, or even download a tax receipt for your donation.
•The Make-A-Wish Foundation for the tri-County area is seeking volunteers to help grant wishes to children with terminal diseases. Volunteers help staff events, fundraise, and help raise awareness for the cause. Training begins in early February, so visit tri-counties.wish.org to find out about the application process, which also includes fingerprinting.
• Personal Power Projecta coalition trying to educate homeowners, consumers, and businesses about the benefits of transitioning from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energyis looking for interns to volunteer for three months. Call 967-6595 or visit personalpowerproject.com for more information.