Rachel and Waldorf
THE INDY WHAT-IS-IT: Though guesses so far have ranged from a wingless bat to a wombat to a real-life version of Stitch from Lilo & Stitch, Waldorf is a one-year-old French bulldog and the latest in a long string of canines who make appearances at The Independent‘s office. Listings Editor Rachel Weight brings in this dense package of dog when his ownerWeight’s roommate Jenni Schmidtpermits, allowing the office to share in the wonder that is Waldorf. His full name, Waldorf the Magnificent, doesn’t even begin to describe his greatness, which is such that Indy staffers are able to look past “personality quirks” like gas that can bring tears to one’s eyes. “Living with him is like living with an old man, because he farts and snores,” said Weight of the dog she nonetheless has come to call her “prince.”