Heavy Trash

Going Way Out with Heavy Trash

Fri Sep 07, 2007 | 06:00am
Heavy Trash

Yep Roc Records; September 2007

The hep and hip Heavy Trash belts out a baker’s dozen of trashy tunes dipped liberally in blues, rockabilly, grime, and rock. On this release, Heavy Trash has better luck escaping the particular cul-de-sac in which they’ve found themselves on prior albums, meaning the duo of Jon Spencer and Matt Verta-Ray are expanding their palette. There are more actual songs to sink your teeth into, as opposed to the outbursts of shake and sizzle that encompassed most of their previous works. Spencer’s enthusiasm, as always, is contagious. The psychobilly sounds of Going Way Out will no doubt make you want to sport grease and wingtips and jump around like a teenaged boy. And these are good things, right?

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