• UCSB’s final Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp takes place July 10-July 14 and 130 volunteers are needed to help run the program. The camp provides opportunities for disabled youth to participate in competitive sports and requires an eight-hour-per-day commitment from volunteers. Call 893-4114 for info.
• More than 100 riders will take to the streets for the 26th Annual Breath Easy Ride from June 22 through June 24. Proceeds from the bike ride will benefit the American Lung Association’s efforts in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. To ride in the race or donate, call 963-1426 or visit breatheasyride.org.
• The Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center begins its next Crisis Intervention Program training soon and Spanish-speaking volunteers are needed. The training, which takes place every Monday and Wednesday night from July 9-August 29, will be conducted entirely in Spanish. After program completion, participants will become certified Sexual Assault Counselors. Call 963-6832 x18.