Anyone who’s ever had to drop a few hundred bucks on a sea
foam-colored tulle and taffeta monstrosity in the name of
friendship — a k a the test of friendship that is being a
bridesmaid — will think she’s entered an alternate universe once
inside Santa Barbara Bridal (15 W. Figueroa St., 730-7300). While
the shop boasts an amazing selection of gowns for the bride, the
racks and racks of stylish bridesmaid dresses — and frocks for the
mother of the bride — are what set it apart. They’ve also just
scored the entire collection of Vera Wang’s bridesmaid dresses,
which, in addition to the expected style and sophistication, boast
very reasonable price tags, in the $200-$300 range. (Most women
who’ve done bridesmaid duty have one or more dresses that cost at
least that much hanging in their closets, despite the fact that
they wouldn’t wear them again if their lives depended on it.) And
keep your eyes out for news of S.B. Bridal’s upcoming sample
sale — we’re told it’ll happen in late March, but a firm date has
yet to be set.