They got their notices yesterday afternoon: News-Pressreporters Dawn Hobbs, BarneyMcManigal, and Rob Kuznia (pictured) weregiven their walking papers on Monday between 5:30 and 6 p.m.
This round of firings started after 5 p.m., when Dawn Hobbs(pictured),
The process went similarly for education reporter Rob Kuznia,who’s been with the paper for three years. Meanwhile, BarneyMcManigal (picured), a Santa Barbara native who’s covered countygovernment for over two years, called Kuznia from the bathroom andtold him to meet after work at Ruby’s.
The letters that the three received were reportedly very short.Craig Smith has posted aversion on his blog. It is much shorter than the lengthy tomethat Melinda Burns received when she was firedlast October. But more distressing is that it actually lists”disloyalty” as the reason for the trio’s termination. Indeed,Teamsters attorney Ira Gottlieb issued a pressrelease at 8 a.m. this morning, calling the terminations “a blatantbare knuckled attack” and confirming that an unfair labor practicecharge is being filed today with the National Labor RelationsBoard. According to Gottlieb, longstanding federal law protectsemployees who engage in union activities such as Friday’sdemonstration.
Wrote Gottlieb, “In past unlawful firings by theNews-Press, management took the trouble to invent apretext for the discharges, which the union fully expects the NLRBto see through. In yesterday’s firings, however, theNews-Press simply fired the three employees for the statedreason that they engaged in collective expressive activity onbehalf of their union, which is fully protected by the NationalLabor Relations Act.” Gottlieb hopes that, based on these firings,the NLRB will realize that Wendy McCaw and her enforcers are “justthe kind of labor law ‘bad actors’ that invite and compelinvocation of the most stringent and powerful enforcement tools inthe NLRB’s arsenal.”
As for Hobbs, Kuznia, and McManigal, they all plan on gettingtheir jobs back, with back pay. Perhaps most bizarre is that allthree had stories in the newspaper this morning, but their bylineswere removed and replaced with “staff report.”
Another Monday casualty was Sarah Sinclair, theformer advertising director who was recently demoted to classifiedadvertising director. She resigned.
And the purge is not yet complete. Insiders believe that theremay be more firings today, since some of the newsroom employees whoparticipated in last Friday’s demonstration were not terminatedyesterday. Also, according to a comment posted on Blogabarbara at12:31 a.m. last night, N-P management was seizing thecomputers of reporter Melissa Evans and sports guyJohn Zant. That’s not confirmed as of yet, but itsounds like those two might be next.
Until then, let’s ponder these questions:
One, who’s next?
Two, how long can the News-Press management continue tofire reporters because they support the unionization of thenewsroom? Federal law deems this illegal, so it’s got to stopsomewhere, right?
Three, do Wendy McCaw’s lawyers know something about union lawthat no one else does?
And four, how long can the News-Press continue to existas a newspaper with news when all their reporters have been fired? Specifically, who will cover courts, crime, the county, andeducation — all massive beats?
Feel free to answer below.