Shawn Colvin

Fri Nov 24, 2006 | 05:52pm

Shawn Colvin These Four Walls (Nonesuch
; September 2006)

There has always been a timeless beauty to Shawn Colvin’s
recorded undertaking. But, with the release of These Four
, one can’t help but reflect upon its passing. It has
been five years since Colvin’s last release, not to mention a
staggering 25 since the Austin-based singer-songwriter first
started working with trusted collaborator and producer John Leventhal.

But with Leventhal again guiding production, the wistful delight
of the album’s opener, “Fill Me Up”, quickly sets the tone for the
ensuing musical experience. And what quickly becomes apparent is
that These Four Walls is a nice album, filled with nice
songs where the subtle guidance offered within the production
department steers Colvin comfortably down the middle of the road.
Rarely does Colvin veers away from this course, but when she does,
like in songs such as “The Bird,” you get a real sense of her
incredible musical potency. As enchanting as the other compositions
are, one taste of her true musical persuasion soon leaves you
longing for something more.

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