by Hudson Hornick
Every third Thursday of the month for the past year, Frameworks’
(131 E. De la Guerra Street) owners and operators David Court and
Christi Westerhouse have been throwing fabulous soirées in which
house deejays spin wheels o’ steel and people mix and mingle. A
good time is had by all, to which I can attest, seeing as I
recently had the opportunity to join in and chat with Court and
Westerhouse themselves.
How did this all get started? It was total
serendipity. We were sitting at Jimmy’s one night having drinks and
thought it would be cool if something like this existed. So one day
I [Christi] came in to see a Susan Tibbles show and a friend told
me that this space was for sale. She told me I should buy it, so we
did. Do you display only contemporary art from local
artists, or is anything fair game? Umm, we peruse it
first, yes. We pick what we like and that’s what’s hanging on the
walls. But we incorporate anyone who’s creative: painters,
florists, sculptors, whatever. All we ask is that it has been done
within the last year.
Any plans for the future? Well, we’re booked
until 2008, and next month is our one-year anniversary of the third
Thursday party, during which Alfred Howard and the K23 Orchestra
Band will be playing. Basically we’re just trying to provide a
venue for young people to gather and listen to music and look at