Wed Oct 04, 2006 | 11:32am

Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, has a new
book out. And you should buy it — right away. Don’t wait for
paperback; it’s that good. Making Globalization Work argues that
globalization is one of the most vital issues facing us today, and
makes a poignant case that we — citizens of the most economically
powerful country in the world — have a special responsibility to
understand and address it. So far, according to Stiglitz, the high
hopes for globalization have been mostly vapor: “Today,” he writes,
“globalization is associated with increasing inequality within most
countries around the world, a global financial system that has led
to crisis after crisis, and a complex trade regime that seems to
leave as many losers as winners.” Yet Stiglitz doesn’t despair for
the prospects of globalization; he believes that better, smarter
international cooperation can reconcile the tenets of free trade
with the ethics of fair trade in a mutually beneficial network of
global economic exchange. Making Globalization Work is clearly
written, trenchant, searing, and, ultimately, resoundingly hopeful
about the future of globalization. He comes to UCSB’s Campbell Hall
on Tuesday, October 10, at 10 p.m.

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