Thu., Aug. 31 Homeless
Housing: Celebrate the grand opening of El Carrillo
homeless apartments. 11am. 315 W. Carrillo St.
Pacific Pride Foundation: Hosts its weekly gay
and bisexual men’s therapy group. 6-7:30pm. 126 E. Haley St., Ste.
A-11. Call 963-3636 x235.
Fri., Sept. 1 Progressive
Coalition: Holds its monthly meeting. 7pm. Franklin
Center, 1136 E. Montecito St. Call Jon Williams at 451-7608 or
Sat., Sept. 2 Peace Is Every
Step: Join S.B.’s weekly march for peace. 11:15am. Meet at
Vera Cruz Park. Call 685-8822.
Sun., Sept. 3 Arlington
West: Veterans for Peace needs volunteers to cover the
8-10am and 4:30-5:30pm shifts at Arlington West. Email
Tue., Sept. 5 Death Penalty
Focus: Weekly vigil to abolish the death penalty. 4-5pm.
Farmers Market at State and Cota sts. Call 967-7283.
Democratic Service Club: Needs assistance with
voter registration at the Farmers Market. Call Jim LeVasseur at
Ongoing California Student
Sustainability Coalition: Needs help with the second year
of its India Exchange Project, which brings youth leaders from
India and the United States to foster sustainable agriculture and
development. Donations are tax deductible. Call Karly Burch at
685-3565 or email
Kick the Habit: Narconon, a nonprofit dedicated
to helping people with drug/alcohol addictions, offers free
professional assessments, advice, and referrals to more than 11,000
treatment centers nationally. Call (800) 556-8885 or visit
Open Your Home: The nonprofit Foundation for
Intercultural Travel (FIT) seeks host families for high school-aged
students. FIT students all speak English and stay for either one
semester or the academic year. Call (877) 439-7862.