I must confess this precious juxtapostion of images passed right
by me — it was first pointed out by my better half.
Perhaps the reader will forgive me, so elated was I with the
return of the “Voices” section in my local daily, an award winning
combination of community opinion and letters to the editor. And I
am ever the wiser for “October
is April in county time,” the heuristic of County
For those of you not able to subscribe to the
News-Press I offer a Shorter News-Press Opinion
High density growth interests are ruining Santa Barbara
elections, and government.
(A hat-tip to lefty blog Busy, Busy, Busy for developing the
“Shorter” form for our harried lifestyles. The site identifies
itself as “A View From the Radical Center”.)
That all being said, Randy Alcorn’s thoughtful
essay on “Police pay and the power of propaganda” brings a nice
counterpoint to the Police Officers Association/Armstrong line
usually touted on the opinion pages. Alcorn wants to reframe the
argument to a cooler cost/benefit/comparative analysis, much to his
credit. Much of what I have read and heard coming from Armstrong,
Mike McGrew, and most recently, Dr. Laura, has been pretty much of
the “if you ain’t for us, you agin’ us” variety.