County firefighters who used a stationhouse as a drop-off center
to distribute yard signs for 2nd District supervisorial candidate
Janet Wolf during the recent primary are facing disciplinary
suspension. Wolf campaign manager James Kyriaco acknowledged the
mistake after the NewsPress broke the story, but said it was a
one-time occurrence rather than an ongoing problem. Wolf came in
second out of a field of four, trailing narrowly behind frontrunner
Dan Secord, a former Santa Barbara City Councilmember and the only
Republican in the race. Secord – whose primary campaign was
conspicuously laid-back – is now taking a decidedly more aggressive
tack. In a press release, Secord expressed surprise at Wolf’s “lack
of knowledge and control,” adding, “Wolf’s passivity in dealing
with her helpers is alarming; she needs to take responsibility for
her campaign’s illegal actions.” Wolf shot back, “I’m not sure what
part of ‘I take responsibility’ Dan is unable to understand.”